The Bruce Haack Songbook by Bruce Haack
The Bruce Haack Songbook by Bruce Haack

I had never seen it before so I watched it and was quite happy to see it and it was interesting. I noticed recently that the Bruce Haack documentary by Bruce Haack expert, Philip Anagnos that came out about 15 years ago is now available on YouTube to view. I also bought the first album that was reissued on CD in Japan but it also came out on a Euro label (Aurora Rising) and was cheap compared to the Japan CD. I recently got the last couple Japanese Bruce Haack CDs that I did not have and now I own all of them.

The Bruce Haack Songbook by Bruce Haack

There is a Canadian reissue label, Telephone Explosion that has reissued some of Bruce's more dark and experimental/adult albums on vinyl. Plus there were a couple other CDs that came out on other labels in Germany. The excellent Australian Omni record label issued a couple CDs of his material too. They were mostly all Japan only imports except for a couple CDs that were released in the US and in Europe. Plus most if not all the Bruce Haack CDs are OOP and rare to find even on the used market.

The Bruce Haack Songbook by Bruce Haack

Bruce Haack's music is an acquired taste and only appeals to a small fan base. I started the thread back in 2007 and it got very little attention for a few possible reasons.

The Bruce Haack Songbook by Bruce Haack

Not too long after I joined up on this forum, I started a Bruce Haack thread to see if there was any interest.

The Bruce Haack Songbook by Bruce Haack